Flats in Chhattarpur Delhi. If you are looking for 2 BHK, 3 BHK, or 4 BHK in Chattarpur. Then you are in right place. We have many flats with all modern facilities and amenities which are available for sale. We understand that everyone has a dream of having their own home once in their life. Therefore this is not only a financial transaction. It carries many emotions and feelings. Our team will help you in having your own home at a cheap price as compared to the market. We will hold your hand from searching to shifting to your own home. You will not have any documentation problems in the future because all the inventories are verified and checked.
Facilities & Amenities: Flats in Chhattarpur Delhi
- CCTV Cameras
- Branded fittings
- Wardrobes
- Parking
- Branded Lift
- Common Terrace/Terrace Garden
- Modular kitchen
- IGL gas pipeline
- BSES meters
- Delhi Jal Board
- Chimney
- Geyser
- Fire Fighting System
Nearby Schools, Hospitals and Markets
- Delhi Public School, Vasant Kunj.
- St. Surya Public School.
- Sohan Rai Public School.
- GD Goenka Public School -Vasant Kunj.
- Vasant Valley School – Vasant Kunj.
- Kendriya Vidyalaya.
- Government Girls schools and boys Schools.
- Safdarjung hospital.
- Pt. madam Mohan Malviya Nagar.
- Nanda hospital.
- Cronus hospital.
- Fortis hospital.
- Sarojni Nagar.
- Central market ( Lajpat Nagar).
- Mehrauli market.
- Select city walk.
- DLF mall.
- DLF Promenade Mall.
The Facility of loan helps us to have our own home with minimum funds at the time of purchase. The loan facility helps to move one step forwards toward our dream home.
Our Team will ease the process of buying your own home. Therefore we are the one-stop solution for all your home-related problems. If you wanted to invest your living in Chattarpur or nearby areas of Chattarpur. Then Book your Dream Home Now!
Contact us for further information:
Phone no: 9811994016
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rkginfrastructure
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rkginfra/